While at my doctor’s office yesterday I picked up the November, 2008 issue of Prevention magazine (usually I head straight for the gossip mags but instead opted for the health one and I am so proud) and found this really interesting information that I thought you would find as titillating as I did. It really does seem what we eat makes a difference in everything we do.
“In a new study , researchers found that people tend to react more aggressively and impulsively when levels of the brain chemical serotonin are low; eating regularly helps maintain serotonin which keeps you on an even keel. (it would be nice if this was my problem-easy to fix-but probably not)
On two occasions, scientists gave adults either a drink that decreased serotonin levels or one that maintained them, and then asked the people to negotiate with a partner. Those with higher serotonin levels were less swayed by emotions and their decisions led to better outcomes. “ Okay, maybe this is my problem because sometimes I can make some very impulsive and bad decisions based solely on my emotions.
Think snacks that combine carbs and tryptophan-rich food (dairy, soy, or poultry), such as whole grain crackers and cheese: both help to keep serotonin high. A few more healthy options are: turkey, black eyed-peas, black and English walnuts, almonds, sesame or pumpkin seeds, and cheddar, gruyere or swiss cheese. Also helping to a lesser extent are whole grains, rice, and other dairy products .I have also heard that candy such as chocolate (I just knew it-maybe this is why I feel so good after eating it) can have the same effect but is really not your healthiest option."
So, now before negotiating with anyone or making any important decisions I am going to grab some almonds and crackers and cheese and hopefully the outcome and my decisions will be favorable. I can just see myself in the boardroom at work eating almonds( and saying I cannot decide until the serotonin effect has kicked in) as we discuss what to do or mid argument with someone telling them to hold on that I need my serotonin levels raised in order to discuss this. They will think I am more of a nut than they already do-oh well. Give this a try and let me know what you think!
This is very titillating information Heidi! I never heard of the serotonin connection to reacting aggressively or impulsively but now that I'm aware of it, I'll have to pay more attention and keep my serotonin levels on an even keel.
ReplyDeleteAh heidi! A wonderful post. Acutally its one of my favorites from you. Beside the one with the bikini pictures (haha just kidding not you didnt look great). Very interesting the connection between the food we eat and the decisions we make. Brilliant!
Great post Heidi! I needed to read this! Hope you are doing well!
ReplyDeleteWell, if we all started coming up with bright ideas because of it, they won't think we're such a nut after all. :-)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy reading your posts heidi, great source for health tidbits.
ReplyDeleteOff Topic: Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series is getting me hooked!!! Guess am not alone lol ... do check it out and hopefully just like me you'd fall in love with it :)
Fun post. Yes, so many remember to each foods rich in the nutrients they are after, but forget that other nutrients are needed for uptake in the digestive system. So, remember a little carb together with that turkey leg! hahaha
ReplyDeleteJuss another reason to eat nuts for our health. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteHi Hedi thanks for the visit. I just faved you on technorati and signed up for your feeds. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder if, before I attempt calling a bank's customer service dept., if I should eat a healthy snack to keep me level headed!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcomed it was well deserved, I kind of feel a closeness to you. Because you were there when i first started to blog scared to death. But you would leave me comments. It helped me to keep going Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect title for this post :) I had no idea serotonin affected us in that way. I'll be sure to keep my nuts, crackers and cheese around. I love them all anyway :)
ReplyDeleteHeidi, Great info about serotonin I think maybe we all need this. Our diets must be very low in it because I know my discussions are sometimes not that great, but I think I've read it also helps with remembering things better. I have to make a list just to remember what to do that next day. So I guess with Thanksgiving coming upon us we can pump up on our nuts, and turkey you said? Great news and great tips for the food list. Thanks
ReplyDelete:) you're funny, to have some almonds on a meeting and let them wait first until your serotonin kicks in. when i was younger, i know we were encouraged to eat nuts because it helps us think smart :) i just remember it with this post.
ReplyDeleteGood info on serotonin. I think I've read where exercise will increase serotonin. Just another reason to run/walk/swim/whatever just move!
ReplyDeleteI like it! The decisions we make and of course our resolve are key! Nice post!
ReplyDeleteanother amazing revelation on how these foods we eat affect us and our abilities. thanks for passing it along... (p.s. at least i'm not the only one who reaches for the gossip mag. i usually try and hide it in some medical journal to look smart. :) )