Bet You Did Not Know This About Green Tea!

If you read my blog on even a small basis then I think you must know how much I love green tea. I drink about 5 cups a day minimum and enjoy all the potential benefits such as cancer fighting, and weight loss . Recently I stumbled upon this information on Yahoo about other benefits of green tea that go beyond just the amazing things it can do for our bodies.

Bet You Did Not Know This About Green Tea!

-It’s great for teeth: Green tea has fluoride in it, making it a superstar for keeping gums and teeth healthy. Green tea can even be used as a mouthwash to maintain breath.

-It’s a room deodorizer: Green tea leaves have traditionally been used to naturally absorb odors in a room. Place tea leaves in a bowl to help absorb unpleasant odors or leave some in the fridge in place of baking soda.

- It’s good for the bones: Naturally high in minerals, green tea aids in strong bone density, which is important for maintaining good posture.

-It can soothe skin: Spent a little too much time in the sun? Use the naturally calming properties of green tea to soothe sunburned skin. Place green tea in a spray bottle and mist on sunburned areas for all-natural relief. Because it has anti-bacterial qualities, green tea can also be used as an antiseptic to spray on skin blemishes or irritations.

- It’s good for the feet: Soaking tired feet in green tea can prevent unpleasant fungal infections.

If you have not considered green tea before, you may just want to think about it now!


  1. You had mentioned green tea and fresh breath before...I found that a cup of green tea late in the evening keeps that morning mouth monster away.
    Thanks for the info.

  2. health Nut:

    Yes. My Queen drinks it all of the time. I can't take caffeine, so I miss out, but she loves the stuff. Good advice.

    Happy trails.

  3. is a natural diuretic,antioxidant to fight cancer and also prevents color loss of your dyed and highlighted hair! "here's to your health!"

  4. Heidi,you mentioned that you drink 5 cups of green tea a day. Do you generally drink more hot tea than cold, or do you use a combination? I'm just curious, as I only drink it now and then.

  5. I didn't know a lot of these. Thanks for posting!

  6. Yes, its good and has lot of health benefits.

    Invite you to read my latest post in my blog.

  7. It's good for your metabolism too if im not mistaken. But I could be thinking of something else. Green Tea is good, as long as it's not the bottled sugared up version from convenience stores, in my opinion anyway.

  8. definitely, did not know about the first three, great for teeth, room deodorizer and good for the bones. when i was younger, we had a tea tree and I would boil the leaves and use it to wash my face ( I was acne prone) and also to rinse off, it really helped. hmmmm, will have to follow your tips, especially as deodorizer, something natural. thanks again for the great information you shared, heidi.

  9. I already loved green tea, but that makes me love it even more! Great info. :)

  10. I love green tea. I think it's one of the few really healthy things I do like! I do drink it with cream and sugar though lol!
    Thanks for all the info on all the other great benefits!

  11. I love green Hedi i drink it all the time. I like it better than coffee or black tea. Have a great week.

  12. I learned some new things to day about green tea that I didn't know. I just need to remember to drink it more!

  13. Hmmm. Time for a nice long warm foot bath. :-)

  14. I tried Green Tea and it just tastes awful! I suppose I could soak my feet in it though. Here's a link to my post I wrote after trying it:

  15. i seldom drink tea even i am aware it's good for the health and the green i just know it..i might start it now?! i wish...

  16. Hello Heidi,
    No I didn't know of these either. Now, I really am serious about going to start drinking green tea. Kindly share with me again the brand of green tea that you like to drink? I know that you've mentioned it before, but I didn't write it down.

    Thank you,

  17. I love green tea. I drink Yerba Mate which is kind of the same, I believe it to have more antioxidants then green but it's the same idea. I have been drinking more but I like that you can use it for other health benefits. thanks for sharing.

  18. My grandma got me hooked on green tea when I was a kid, as she drank it every day. She lived to be 91 so I think there's something to it all.

  19. I've never had it before. I'm not a big tea drinker. I only drink it when I visit my great-aunt because she makes it and if you don't have tea she won't give you a cookie. LOL

  20. That is very interesting. I had no idea that green tea had other health benefits. I love green tea and should drink more of it. Thanks for sharing this information!

  21. This is a fantastic article Heidi. I had no idea green tea could be used for so many things.

    I am still technically down until late Thursday or early Friday. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

    Everyone is really being great and clicking through for me.

    I truly appreciate it. I am making my thank you list now for adds for last week. Hopefully I will be fixed and back dropping around normally by Friday.


  22. Well that's good news! I drink a lot of it. Haven't tried the footbath yet, but I definitely will! THanks!

  23. Oh, even more reason to drink green tea! But as a room deodoriser, I think any tea leaves will deodorise the room! Also stuffing your pillows with dry green tea leaves may help with your sleep! : )

  24. Note to self buy green tea and drink green tea often. I love green tea but i haven't had it in a while.

  25. As a mouth wash?! Wow!! Cool!
    Too bad I don't drink tea at the moment due to my new diet...

  26. Love this post. I just posted about tea as well!!! It is an awesome product :-)

  27. Wow. Wasn't aware of any of these additional benefits. Thanks for the heads up.


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