As anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis knows, I love sweets (chocolate in particular) and of course to be healthy I need to find ways to have my sweets in moderation (no fun but must be done). I recently came across a couple of interesting ways to possibly tackle this constant craving of sweets that are not painful and easy to do so I thought I would share these tidbits with you.
Thinking It Away-Stop obsessing over the object of your desire
Have you ever noticed that the more you think about something the more you want it(in my opinion this holds true for food and that one person who is always elusive to you)? Well, now new data suggest this also holds true for chocolate. Researchers told 67 women to either think freely about the chocolate or suppress their thoughts of it-then gave them chocolate to eat. The thought suppressors consumed about 50 percent more than the unrestricted thinkers. This is worth a shot but I am not sure how this is going to work for me because thinking or trying to not think of chocolate makes me want chocolate. Basically I want chocolate all the time.
Pinching Away Those Cravings-Literally
Looking for an ancient Chinese secret to help you fight those cravings? Try pinching your nostrils or earlobes for 10 seconds and those cravings will pass (I tried this and it worked for me-but don’t pinch too hard ). Apparently the nostrils and earlobes are acupressure points that help to suppress cravings.
Give these a try and let me know what you think. So far so good for me!
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i'm going to give this a try. i love chocolate and cookies. i even tried to think of disgusting stuff when i wanted chocolate. didn't work.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Moderation is key. I love frozen Snickers bars. I can often have just one or two bites of a frozen bar and my cravings are gone.
ReplyDeleteHealth Nut:
ReplyDeleteI don't know about black and blue nostrils and earlobes. But to be fair, I'll suggest it to my Queen who is a desperate chocolate eater.
We have tried everything to help curb her cravings. But when she sees a chocolate bar, or passes by a Sees Candy store, her legs get week and she makes a right turn directly into the store. No excuse is needed - just pure love of chocolate.
All kidding aside, however, I believe that the free thinking model would probably work best. Never over work yourself with the idea of suppressing your thoughts. That doesn't sound healthy. Lust for sweets in your mind, but be disciplined enough to moderate your consumption. That's the trick.
Happy trails.
I know you will think this is crazy, but I beat my cravings by having hot herbal tea (usually a fruity variety) with cayenne pepper sprinkled in it. I know, crazy. I have to put it in a big mug and sip it thru a straw so I don't burn my lips! LOL (I'm actually having some right now!)
ReplyDeleteInteresting! I had to give it a try-- and it did work! I wonder if the momentary discomfort distracts you long enough to interrupt the craving or if it really is some sort of connected pressure-point.
ReplyDelete*It's also impossible to feed yourself while pinching both ears. ;)
I have heard of pinching the earlobes before, but never tried it. I'm off to pinch away my hunger!
ReplyDeleteThe pinching away the cravings works for me too! But normally when I crave for something, I will try to have it but at a smaller portion. If that food I crave for is sweet, I will balance my blood sugar by working out.
ReplyDeleteHi Heidi,
ReplyDeleteI will try the approach of not thinking about sweets as much. I am finding that I really like my cherry cheesecake nonfat yogurt though. At least it is a more healthy choice for me and it satisfies my sweet tooth. Take care and have a great week! :-)
hmmm sounds interesting. I might try it. I want chocolate pretty much 24/7. I don't know if it will work, my sweet tooth is pretty stubbon. haha
ReplyDeletereally pinching? hmmm, my mom is chinese, but it's the first time i've heard of it, i'll give it a try ;)
ReplyDeletegreat tips!
Yep, if I even begin to think about chocolate, my craving gets worse! I may have to try the earlobe pinch though. :-D
ReplyDeleteOkay I'll try this but I may end up pinching my nose constantly!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. I'm going to have to try those. I'm just like you, Heidi I crave sweets and chocolate like crazy. Next time I'm wishing for a candy bar I think I will pinch my nostrils instead! Great post!
ReplyDeleteI just pinched my nose for 15 seconds and I still want chocolate ice cream! I'm hopeless!!!
ReplyDeleteHeidi, Heidi,
ReplyDeleteWhere were you a couple of days ago with this post? I folded like a wet napkin the other day and ordered some chocolate chip-toffee chip cookies from one of my clients.
I busted open the wrappings like a drug addict when they arrived at my door. I usually don't open the door when my husband's not home but I knew this was my cookie delivery.
Good thing he wasn't home 'cause I didn't want to share and I didn't want to hear his sermon on moderation. I wasn't disappointed either because they looked just like the ones I had been staring at all year in her cookie photos and they tasted just as I had imagined.
I hid like Adam and Eve in the garden after I did my deed of finally finishing off the whole delivery, not on the spot of course, but I could have because they were so delicious.
Since I can't hold sugar, (it blows my face up like a balloon) my husband's trying to figure out where the extra weight came from.
Of course, I pretend I don't know. LOL Now, I have to detox myself so that I don't roll back into the sugar bed. But most of all, I have to convince him that I haven't suddenly developed some type of medical condition. :-)
I'm going to try your cravings trick next time.
God, please forgive me!
I will have to try this. I've heard that acupuncture around the ears is used when a smoker wants to stop smoking, maybe it works on the same basic concept.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, now when I think of chocolate cheesecake, I'll know what to do.
I have a sugar intolerance and so I do not eat many chocolate bars but I still want to! Sometimes I imagine I am eating one, imagine unwrapping it, biting it, chewing it and what it would taste like. For me that is as good as eating it - but it different as I know that if I did really eat it I would be unwell. It could be worth a try though, you never know if it will stop that craving.
ReplyDeleteHi Heidi,my hangup is birthday cake. I have cravings all the time. I think it's the sugar, but I am not sure. I ordered a cake Saturday, and will pick it up today. So I will try the pinching of the earlobes after I finish it lol. Great article.
ReplyDeleteI will have to give this a try.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you've been tagged. Please come by my site and check it out. :-)
interesting...I'll have to try both next time I crave chocolate, which should be only a few minutes from now - I LOVE it too!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about chocolates. I don't think I can think them away. It's better that I don't have any of them at home. It's the only time that I can afford not to have chocolates. If I have them at home I can not think them away. I'll still be thinking about chocolates, but at least, if there are no chocolates at homw then I'll just suffer.
How about pinching, then eating a small amount, then pincing again? Would that work, if I'm really starved and chocolate deprived?
ReplyDeletewow that is crazy about the nose pinching. Also i want chocolate right now.
ReplyDeleteMom says she'll have to try that pinching of the earlobes, etc. She wants lots of things! ;-)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm glad your kitty's doing better. Thanks so much for stopping by to wish me good health.
ReplyDeleteHey now this is my kinda stuff!!! excellent read. Very interesting stuff.
One thing I did once to prevent a bad habit. Everytime I thought of the habit i was trying to break i would "flick" myself on the head. I learned very quickly to not do it. Not that negative reiforcement is the best answer, but for the small things it can work.
Great tip about the pinching. Whenever I pinch, I usually get slapped.
i'll try this, hope it will be true for me, as i really have very weak discipline when it comes to sweet sometimes, i just had to give're very right, the more we think about sweets, the more we crave, since it is very true for me :( so yes, i don't think about them if i could, but when i am outside and see them right in front of me, that's when the problem comes :(
ReplyDeleteGeez, I'll be walking around with a red nose 24/7! haha
ReplyDeleteHmm, interesting about the earlobe thing!!
ReplyDeleteI will try it! :)
Hmmm, let me try if it work for me. But what I do now if I crave something bad for my diet, is to think for a 100 times. Well, i ended up not to eat instead because I will regret it for the whole week.
ReplyDeletei love the image of you pinching your nose! :) i'm not sure anything or anyone can suppress my desire for sweets. it's just not possible...:) is that too hopeless of me or do i just know myslef well?
ReplyDeletei love the image of you pinching your nose! :) i'm not sure anything or anyone can suppress my desire for sweets. it's just not possible...:) is that too hopeless of me or do i just know myself well?
ReplyDeleteLike many others who said they'll going to try the Chinese pinching the earlobes and nostrils, I will as well, after taking the simple but hard to stick advice of moderation, moderation. Nice to know that you know where to dive into, in case of a storm.