Today, I was taking a bit of time as usual to become more informed on my health and wellness and came across this article about foods that help you quit smoking. I have personally never smoked as I had an embarrassing introduction to cigarettes in tenth grade at the local Pizza Hut in front of a guy I liked and that was it for me. Spitting water on the object of your affection while coughing to death from the cigarette smoke at the same time is enough to turn one off (both of us apparently). Never again.
If you have tried patches or anti-smoking medications, but still can’t stop smoking, maybe it is time to experiment with specific foods to help quit smoking. Yes, there are foods proven to help when you’re trying to stop smoking.
However, there are also foods like coffee, alcohol and meat that make cigarettes taste better. So you should also avoid these foods because they can serve as a trigger to smoke again once you quit.
Foods that make cigarettes taste worse include dairy products, water, juice, fruits, and vegetables. The good thing is that these foods are all considered healthy and low in calories. You should also include exercise as it can help smokers ward off cravings for cigarettes.
I don't smoke, I tried when I was younger thinking it makes one look chic and sophisticated when one smokes, but when I first tasted it, it was so awful that I realized I'd rather be simply me than be in misery of the cigarette taste. However, I do understand the coffee and cigarette work best since I know several people who drinks a lot of coffee and had tried giving up smoking but they could not, I think it is the cofee.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of a friend who was asked if he wanted to start jogging with another friend, and he said he couldn't because exercise interfered with his smoking.
ReplyDeleteAny tip to quit is a good one, and this one looks promising, but for me the only thing that worked was my wife telling me she was pregnant.
This is so interesting!
ReplyDeleteSo they should change their foods list first. :P
I'm glad also that I'm not a smoker. Growing up in the mountains of the Philippines, my family grew tobacco in our family farms. We'd collect the leaves, dry and roll them into cigars before my family took them to the market. They're so sticky and stinky. Thank goodness, I didn't take up smoking.
Great post Heidi! Happy Tuesday. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat tips for smokers! I'm glad that I kicked the habit seven years ago.
ReplyDeleteI don't smoke, never have, but I found your post about how foods correlate to smoking very informative!
ReplyDeleteAnother great food to help quit smoking, believe it or not, is oatmeal. Oats are very calming to the nervous system and so eating oatmeal every morning helps to dissipate the stress of quitting smoking as well as lessens the cravings. Drinking huge amounts of water with lemon also keeps you detoxing at a steady rate, keeps your mouth busy and helps with cravings. Good luck to anyone quitting--you can do it!
Thanks for the tips...hope this helps smokers to get out of it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a smoker, but know many who've had a hard time kicking the habit. Many swear by the nicotine patches, but adding to that natural foods that also quench the desire is a very helpful discovery. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI have never smoke too, the smoke from smokers are already suffocating me. :P
ReplyDeleteTraditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture work though.
i almost tried smoking but i couldn't take it. i have few friends who find difficulty quitting to smoke. this one is a good to share to them:)
ReplyDeleteHealth Nut:
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. I never thought of foods that make cigarettes taste bad before. Interesting.
I smoked when I was young, but I quite way back about 1971. It was difficult. I didn't do it cold turkey. I just gradually cut down. I have no regrets. It was the best thing I ever did.
Coffee, on the other hand, was extremely difficult to quit. I still crave a hot cup of coffee. But, unfortunately, coffee doesn't like me. It causes me all kinds of problems.
Happy trails.
Great post again! I tried smoking when I was a teenager like you, but one puff was all it took. I hated it. I'm so glad now that it never appealed to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice. i am currently trying to quit and at some times, it gets quite difficult, even with Nicorette. I still drink coffee and eat meat, so I should prolly let these go for a little while!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips! Luckily I don't smoke. Have tried it once before when I was a teenager, coughed really bad. Just like you! haha! Never ever smoked again after that!
ReplyDeleteI guess when we eat healthy food, and do healthy things like exercise, somehow we will not want to smoke because our body knows smoking is bad for health!
Thank god I don't smoke, but for those who do this is a great post. I also suggest for anyone trying to quit is to exercise, work those lungs...while you struggle to get more air into your body your brain will realize it needs to get those cigarettes out.
What a great topic. These ideas will defiitely help anyone trying to kick this dangerous habit. Hope all is well!
ReplyDeleteAs an ex-smoker I can say that Altoids helped me quit as well. In stead of lighting up I would pop an Altoid (usually wintergreen) and then breathe deeply through my mouth.
ReplyDeleteIt kind of gave my lungs a shot like smoking did and helped curb the urge.
Having a cigarette while drinking a glass of orange juice is like brushing your teeth after drinking a glass of orange juice. Just plan yucky.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that I have an award for you over at Healthy Moms. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteI imagine the side effects of eating fruit and exercising are much easier to handle than those from Wellbutrin or Chantix, too.
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day Heidi! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Mothers Day,I hope it was full of nice surprises for you.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great article and brings up some really valid points about the food/addiction subject.Smoking is one of the worst addictions to get over,believe me I know being smoke free for two years now.Staying away from the foods and drinks you mentioned is key along with exercise and keeping your mind occupied.I hope more people can reap the benefit of getting smoke free.
BTW you are looking fantastic.Take care and keep giving out the info it's spot on.