No Brainer Ways To Keep Cancer At Bay

I really try to keep an optimistic outlook on life but every once in awhile you hear a story about someone or you know someone who has had cancer and it is very scary. As I do this blog and find more information on health and diet I am seeing a clearer picture between disease and how what we put in our bodies can either hurt or help us. I found the below information in the mysteriously appearing Good Housekeeping that has my name on it and comes to me in the mail each month but that I did not order. Strange but I like the magazine and glad I'm getting it.

Try These Tips To Keep Cancer Away-Plus You'll Probably Feel Better!

Obesity is a risk factor in six types of cancer. Consuming alcohol, red meat and processed meats like ham, sausage and bacon also raises your odds, while eating more fruits and non-starchy vegetables and getting more exercise lower your risk. Apparently these findings are noteworthy because a team of international experts spent five years reviewing all the evidence.

1.) Eat vegetables like baby carrots, a refreshing leafy green salad with some broccoli, tomatoes or cauliflower thrown in, red pepper slices and snap peas instead of eating chips, zebra cakes, and other fun yet not so healthy snacks.

2.) Eat more fruit- freeze grapes, make fruit salsa, warm up an apple with cinnamon and a bit of sugar. Add some berries to your diet-The anthocyanosides in blueberries are currently the most powerful antioxidants known to scientists and are beneficial in the prevention of all types of cancer.

3.) Have a nice relaxing cup of Green tea-Green tea is a rich source of a class of flavonoids known as catechins. Studies have shown that the catechins present in green tea are able to slow or prevent the development of cancer in colon, liver, breast, and prostate cells.

4.) Have whole grains whenever possible-Whole grains contain a variety of anti-cancer compounds, including fiber, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens. When eaten as part of a balanced diet, whole grains can help decrease the risk of developing most types of cancer. More here.

5.)Don't count on vitamin supplements to protect you against cancer; in some cases, they may even increase your risk. Visit for a free report on what really is in vitamins.
6.) Don't Smoke- "The single most important agent that has been unequivocally linked to cancer is cigarette smoking." It is very ,very compelling:lung cancer, cancer of the throat, tongue,bladder,stomach and lips. I want to thank Mcneri who is an authoritative blogger and also an MD for reminding me of this.

Once again many of the same foods keep recurring for good health, burning fat, helping you sleep, and now fighting diseases. Thanks for stopping by.

P.S. To all my regular readers-I am sorry for the delay in getting the posts out and to my entrecard droppers I will be dropping more again next week.


  1. I used to hate green tea, but as i learned more and more about it's benefits, i started taking it. now I'm loving it and it's part of my daily routine. Great list! Something that shouldn't be taken for granted.

  2. As cancer runs rampant in my family, I find this to be a very good post.

    Now that I think of it, all of my relatives smoked. One bad habit to begin and an even harder one to break!

  3. Great tips! You're right. The same foods keep popping up - whether it's for weight loss or general good health.

  4. Besides the points you mentioned, may I also add - have sufficient good quality sleep every night, don't get stressed for long periods of time and don't stay too long in the sun.

  5. great tips! how was work? i hope you're having a great time. ;)

  6. Great post Heidi. The benefits of fibre seem almost endless. It can reduce your risk of cancer, improve digestion, help you lose weight, fill you up, help you absorb nutrients and so much more.

  7. Very good tips! I always have to remind myself to drink green tea. I need to form a habit of drinking it since it's so beneficial and I really do like it.

    My book arrived while I was in Vegas so I have just had a chance to skim through it since getting home yesterday but I can tell it's going to be a very interesting read. Thank you so much and I certainly appreciate it!

  8. Heidi,

    Great post. My mother has had cancer over 3 times and drank a lot of green tea. She now works out about 4 hours a day and is in tip top shape with no cancer! Great post.

  9. Well, I was able to check off most of the goodies. The hard part is resisting all the temptations and staying on track.

    We did an interview with a surgeon called "You Don't Have to Get Cancer," and these items were on his list in terms of staying healthy.

    Thanks for sharing! :-)

  10. I love your list specially the don't count on vitamins supplements, actually we really dont need this supplement if we live naturally, eating the right foods, and follow this post and we will be living great

  11. thanks for the reminder always :) i basically follow all of them ( as I do not really smoke) but the only one I always seem to forget is drinking green tea :(

  12. Most of these are on my family's menu. It's good to know that in addition to being a healthy choice, they are also great for lowering your risk of cancer. Thanks Heidi! I hope all is going well with your new jobs! Take care. :)

  13. Its always nice to make time for tea. All your tips are great. I make sure to make time for tea. Time to relax. Do not stress.... try to keep it at a low.... Yoga is great. :) I love you site.... Its always a treat

  14. Wow, glad to hear that green tea is in the list because i just love green tea!! =)..Green tea is just the best, not only help you lose weight but also for me it makes me feel more energetic and less stressed..Thanks for this post, will give a try some of your tips soon..goodluck on your blogging =)..

  15. Okay, now I am going to have look at foods that I eat. I know I need to get better but these tips really highlighted some things that I need to change.

  16. As I sit here finishing off my salad, I am glad I stopped by today. I'm going to have to check with my doc to see how healthy my vitamin really is. And now I'm off to make a cup of green tea... you never know...

  17. it never ceases to amaze me the connection between diet and disease. and you prove this is so many different ways. certainly the best motivator for keeping an eye out on your diet.

  18. thanks for the reminder about some of these.... picking them back up again...

    J/ (

  19. Hey Heidi, Great work, Really helpful tips about cancer, good work.

  20. hehe, sure heidi no problem ;)

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love blueberries, glad to read they are good for me!

  22. Heidi, I just love your posts - they are so full of useful information and the most wonderful thing is that you explain everything in an easy to understand way. So many people who claim to have knowledge, many by having the title Professor before their names - just skirt over things or put things in such a complicated way that even when you finish reading a piece of what should be informative literature ... you are left more than confused than ever.

    Your writing is clear and refreshing and wonderful to read.

    Thank you, from me!

  23. Excellent advice! I'm already putting a lot of your advice to work. I have to admit that I'm not going cold turkey on the starchy vegetables. Perhaps a baked potato here and there won't hurt? Keep the info coming. You are developing quite a following here!

    Jan from Unique Baby Gifts Themes, Nursery Bedding Designs and Decorating Ideas

  24. I understand about your apologies in the later part of this post. That is understandable after getting back to work, right?

    Indeed cancer is very scary..any kind of it..more scary i should feel because we have a line of breast cancers in my father's family... hope wont hit me or my sisters.

  25. Hi Heidi - how's the job going? I have to take a minute and say eating red meat is not the cause of cancer. To be clear it is eating the beef or any meat from feedlots that increase your cancer risk. Grass-fed beef is not a risk and more people need to switch to 100% grass-fed. It's better for our health and treats the animals more humanely. There needs to be more of these studies done using real food so the public is not afraid of food.

    Hope you are doing well and having fun with the job.

  26. Wannabe:

    Very good post and excellent reminder of the fact that we are in control of our diets and, by extension, our lives. Lets hope it doesn't fall on dead ears.

    Happy trails

  27. The old saying "we are what we eat" is so very true...never more so than now!

    As always a honest,informative and interesting post...I think that is why I enjoy your post tell it straight, while making it fun...I still love the "bad stuff" though, and I'm sure I'm not alone on this one!!!!! :0)


  28. Wannabee:

    We know these things are good for us. They'll give us more energy and improve our over all health. They may even make us live longer, and they may make us smarter. The quality of our lives would be so much better. So why, I wonder, why is it so unbelievably difficult to sustain a diet of deliciously healthful, fruits, vegetables and mixed grains? Why, Doctor Wannabee, why?

    Happy trails.

  29. Fruit salsa. That sounds really, really good. I will have to look that one up and share it.
    Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate your comment. I'm really trying to live a healthier lifestyle and I think your has some excellent information on living a healthy lifestyle.


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