Miracle Mint
**A whiff of peppermint may help you shed those unwanted pounds(this is easy! Hurrah!)-A study at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia tracked 27 adults for two 5 day periods and found that those who wafted peppermint oil under their nose every two hours ate almost 350 calories less a day than non-sniffers. You can also try chewing mint leaves or a stick of mint-flavored gum. I think this may be one of my all time favorite weight loss tricks. It smells great, requires very little effort (with the exception of people wondering what you are sniffing at and looking at you suspiciously) and is healthy. ref-Good Housekeeping May 2008.
**Cures Afternoon Hunger Pangs-Try a sugar-free mint or even a chocolate mint for those chocolate lovers. The small portion and satisfying mint will help cure those afternoon hunger cravings without the big calories.
**Gets Rid Of Bad Breath-If you are looking to smooch with that special someone you may want to try a drop of peppermint pure essential oil on the tongue. It can freshen your breath quickly and naturally.
**-Apply fresh mint juice (can usually purchase mint juice at your local health food store) over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
**Swollen gums, mouth thrush or mouth ulcers-mix together 10ml (2 tsp) cognac or whisky, 5 drops mint oil and 300ml (1/2 pint) hot boiled water. Gargle with this several times throughout the day until finished, leaving the liquid in the mouth as long as possible each time. More here.
**Toothaches and headaches-Drinking 5 grams of fresh peppermint boiled in a cup of water with a pinch of salt is believed to relieve toothaches and headaches.
**Inhaling peppermint oil can help relieve severe nasal congestion, but should not be used too often. It can irritate your mucous membranes if used frequently. Young children should not use peppermint oil and nursing mothers should stay away from peppermint oil, as it can decrease your milk flow.
I think that we are going to grow some mint of our own (I hope I don't somehow kill it-I am just not good at growing things regardless of how hard I try) and make mint tea as well. It certainly can't hurt and will probably help in more ways than I know. I will never look at mint the same way again.
P.S. This week I have a great guest post by Christopher Warden, a New York City fitness professional and co-author of Unlock Your Strength (see widget on lower right) and am doing a review of one of my favorite websites. I hope you will check back for this exciting week at Health Nut Wannabee Mom!
Mint is a great, remedy, good article. I think it is great, we are learning more and more about our nautral products. I mean I know Ephedra has good bad press, but the chinese and the mormon's have been using it safely for years.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. I am a great mint lover and have pots of many different types on my windowsill.
ReplyDeleteThe good thing about mint is that it is very hardy. We had some take over a spot of our herb bed and we cannot get rid of it! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI always learn something here----WHO KNEW ABOUT THE MINT?!
ReplyDeletehappy monday. have a great one.
I love mint as well. The herb does produce a number of health benefits, particularly peppermint that has been regarded for its enhancing benefits on digestion. In fact, peppermint has been integrated as complementary herb in an herbal supplement formula for weight loss. Along with the appetite suppressant Fennel and other herbal extracts, peppermint relaxes the stomach and stimulates the flow of bile--a natural remedy for overweight kids. - gary
ReplyDeleteGreat information, thanks! I didn't know these things about mint.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you do decide to grow it, be aware that it will soon take over EVERYTHING. Most people plant it in a container or contained bed.
kWhat about the importance of Mojitos in your diet? They have a lot of mint, don't they?
ReplyDeleteAs usual a fun and descriptive post...
Mint: also a helpful for universal utilitarian benefit! Thanks for the post - great
ReplyDeletei have been growing mints from my small garden, and these were just used as a garnishing. thanks for the info. ;)
ReplyDeleteHow useful your blog is! Years ago - we seemed to be able to grow mint like a jungle weed but in recent times we are nurturing every leaf that pops its head above the soil. May be it's through a change in the weather, I don't know. We have even been to garden centres and bought several varieties - none (except for our cat's catnip) is flourishing. I have now bought some seaweed extract fertilizer to try on it ... I'll let you know if this works. Polly
ReplyDeleteDang I love mint so nice to see that it has so many health benefits. I'm guessing mint julips aren't one of them.
ReplyDeletewow, I knew about some of the benefits of mint, but I didn't know all of that, especially the weight loss aspect. Very Interesting!
ReplyDeleteI can believe that and I'm going to try it, I have an obese granddaughter who has a doctor's appointment June 3rd, very active baseball basketball team I believe it's from retaining water. I took water pills for 1 week age 12 I peed out enough water went down enough sizes in 7 days, that they took me off them.
ReplyDeletemy granddaughter age 12 looks so unhealthy.
any suggestions???
My mother in law swore by it for colicky babies too!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea mint did all of those things. I need to put a mint plant on my desk because my coworkers need some soothing big time. Thanks for this information. :)
ReplyDeleteI'll have to look for some mint gum. I'm starving. Great post!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips! Herbal remedies has many beneficial uses indeed. I'll recommend it to my friend, who gets hungry always, so he may shed some pounds. Thanks for these tips.
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog I read alot of herbal remedy sites and this herbal supplements site is great